Monday, 25 October 2010
"A Child's Metaphysics" by Koji Yamaura

Koji Yamaura A Child's Metaphysics Animated Film, 2007
A child's metaphysics attempts to explore the ecology and philosophy of children with a melancholic humour that entertains but ultimately questions the audiences perception of the seemingly happy childhood world, using meticulously crafted drawing. Koji creates a child whose head is constructed from numerals, and another child who winds up his own faces and carries it under his arm, which is quickly followed by a child whose eyes are depicted by fish and a child who lies on the floor, head-butting hid own identity.
My Ideas!!
I have found a new idea and it relates to Flip Books. The drawing aspect is easy but very time consuming having over one hundred pages. When it is completed it is then scanned or digitally photographed, whatever is easier to use. These images are uploaded and edited. This is when the contrast and colour is added and the sequences can be played around with. However I am unable to use Flash at the moment as I am not familiar with this software. So I am still waiting on an idea for a story at the moment. This is as far as I have got!
Sunday, 24 October 2010
LAIKA Running by Lisa o'hara
Lisa O Hara
Laika Running is somewhat confusing. It involves a dog running, quite slowly, then as the word faster appears, the dog runs faster. No much involved in this animation, it just seems like some type of test of drawing skills. The dog gets really fast at the end as more and more animation is added.
Motion tests
Matt Frodsham
Roto performance shots are really motion tests. It is interesting from the perspective of how the hand motion drawings are created. The music supplied by, ‘Ah Ha,’ fits the sketches and motion perfectly.
If you would like to find out more information on how he created this animation you can go onto his blog. mattfrodshamfmp.
Patrick Pleau
Patrick Pleau, a French Canadian has created the Bocalophobe. He created this by himself and proves that he is a very intelligence and gifted created. The programmes that he used include, Adobe After Effects CS4, 3D Studio Max 2010, Photoshop CS4, Adobe Premiere Pro CS4, Adobe Flash Professional CS4 and Red Giant Magic Bullets Look.
This animation is very good when you consider that the creator put this all together himself and when the blends of design are considered. The animation is accompanied with music and although it is in another language, its beat fits the activities perfectly. The story is about a fish who is looking for freedom. However, there is an aspect of the story that I found complex and difficult to understand. Why were crisps and fish cola added to the bowl? I did not understand the relevance of this, unless it was to show cruelty to the fish! All in all, the blend of different resources, pen and photo shop etc was very impressive.
Fazil Say "black earth" Full animation by Volkan aydemir
This commences with the blobs being dropped on the wet sheet creating the Black Earth. Out of the Black Earth a tree is created and through this image the subtitles are presented. This animation creates the scene and allows the video to evolve.
Fazil Say "black earth" animation by Volkan aydemir
Black Earth was created by Volkan Aydemir. This animation involves a blend of watercolour, pen, photograph, computer and pencil . Also at one point the wet paint is put on a wet page and blended, an interesting process which I would like to explore. The story is set to music and appropriately the piano music blends in association with the animation. This creates a full audio and visual picture. This animation creates a beautiful story, difficult to create but the finished article is very beautiful.
When Humans Ruled the Earth by Stephen Ong
Again this one is very interesting . When Humans Ruled the Earth was created by Stephen Ong. The story tells how the body goes through all the different machines in the factory. It begins very slowly but builds up gradually until at the end, the earth explodes. Interesting, but a difficult concept to understand! Hand drawn sketches would not be possible for this type of animation as this would need to be created on the computer. Photo shop may be useful but this is something that I would need to look into.
Umbra by Malcolm Sutherland
I found this quite interesting . Umbra was created by Malcolm Sutherland. The animation was all hand drawn, a mix of drawing on paper and digital animation with Toonboom Studio and a wacp, cintiq tabled assembled in After Effects 7 and edited in Sony Vegas 8. It was interesting to see the story and how it progressed. It takes you to see the end to see what the story is about. At the beginning you are unsure what it is about however, as you follow it through, the story becomes alive and you see the people disappearing into the shadow. Very interesting!.
I was thinking of doing something similar to this story. I would draw over a 100 pages of sketches and develop the same sort of story. I would try this firstly on the computer to see how it would works.
Monday, 18 October 2010
The Production Cycle
The production cycle is a complex task which involves various types and areas of development and design. The Cycle begins with the ‘idea’ and this is then brought to life in a story board and show reel. Next the characters are developed in their initial form in character studies and associated model sheets are produced. Further life is given to the project with the associated sound being recorded and its appropriate length analysed in number frames. Of course at this stage it is also necessary to conduct a sound analysis on dope sheets.
The next stage of the production cycle is the creation of the scene layouts, these accompanied by the dope sheets allow the director to plan movement and timing. After this has been sorted out, colour is added to the background paper and the movement drawings are commenced. These completed drawings are again entered into dope sheets.
The drawings are then tested on the line tester to ensure that the correct drawings are appearing at the right times and the movements are then traced onto cells. These cells are then painted or coloured and brought together with backgrounds. At this stage the cells and backgrounds are combined on film and the exposed negative sent to the lab for processing.
Here the sounds and pictures are edited and the sound tracks sent to the dubbing studio for mixing. The negatives are then cut at the lab and with the cut print and final sound the final print is then made. At last the print can be projected to the audience and the film then transferred to a DVD etc.
This completes the cycle.
Sunday, 17 October 2010
Book: Cartoon Modern: Style and Design in fifties Animation By Amid Amidi (O NC 1766 U5A45)
This book took me back to my childhood memories of Bugs Bunny and other cartoons. Back then cartoons were much more, straight forward compared to now, where, technology has replaced simplicity.
Book: Dream Worlds by Hans Bacher (0 NC 1765.B33)
I found the images in this book to be fascinating. How the artist has used the visual displaying contrasts to highlight particular aspects of his drawings was very interesting considering, his use of water colours, paints and other various materials.
Book: Sempe Sauve qui peut. (Nc1499.535 S2)
I found this small book on French cartoons. There is no text involved, it is all images and I haven’t been able to put it down as it is so funny! I have already referred to this book in my earlier blog of , ‘Simon’s Cat.’
Thursday, 14 October 2010
50 Incredible Stop Motion Video!
If you are struggling to find Stop Motion research material I recommend that you go to this website. There is a lot of interesting material on it.
I found this clip made by Simon Tofield , its called Simon’s Cat. I found this hilarious and what I found was very interesting, was the build up of the cat wanting to get its own way. The things that we will do for food! The animation is also very similar to a French book I got in the Library called, ‘Sempe Sauve qui peut.’
Monday, 11 October 2010
Tutorial about Flash!
I did a search and found this Flash Tutorial which is excellent. It goes through the various steps of Flash in a straight forward manner and if you want to learn any more about Flash I would recommend these tutorials. Hope you like them!
Sunday, 10 October 2010
I found this video clip and it interested me greatly. Going through his work and discovering his method of animation and how he produced material was enlightening. The video went through the process step by step and highlighted the amount of work that it involved.
I learnt a lot through his method of drawing and recreating the figures for animation. He was able to produce images from 2D, to creations of 3D animation. The more I explore this type of animation, the more my interest grows in this type of work and I feel that it is something that I would be interested in, in the future.
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